Quotes about Wisdom
Life in the true sense is perceiving or thinking.
- Aristotle
Never judge a philosophy by its abuse.
- St. Augustine
Happiness is not the end of life: character is.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Let no young man delay the study of philosophy, and let no old man become weary of it; for it is never too early nor too late to care for the well-being of the soul.
- Epicurus
My philosophy? Have a laugh for as long as you can and don't get run over. Or stabbed.
- Ricky Gervais
Probabilities direct the conduct of the wise man.
- Cicero
Philosophy, to be relevant, must offer us a wisdom to live by.
- Abraham Joshua Heschel
Once someone asked me, "What do you want to be your epitaph?" So I said, "Paulo Coelho died when he was alive.
- Paulo Coelho
The difference between the reason of man and the instinct of the beast is this, that the beast does but know, but the man knows that he knows.
- John Donne
Do not all charms fly / At the mere touch of cold philosophy?
- John Keats
Make thought a whirlwind.
- Victor Hugo
It is time that we had uncommon schools, that we did not leave off our education when we begin to be men and women.
- Henry David Thoreau