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Quotes about Wisdom

We are more concerned about looking stupid (fear of people) than we are about acting sinfully (fear of the Lord)." —Edward T. Welch
- Randy Alcorn
The fear of God is the death of every other fear; like a mighty lion, it chases all other fears before it." —Charles Spurgeon
- Randy Alcorn
Shallow books make shallow men.)
- Randy Alcorn
When we offend everybody, we've declared truth without grace. When we offend nobody, we've watered down truth in the name of grace. John 1:14 tells us Jesus came full of grace AND truth. Let's not choose between them, but be characterized by both.
- Randy Alcorn
countless people step into financial bondage because they spend money they don't have in order to underwrite a "once in a lifetime opportunity." God is not behind every good deal! Self-control means turning down most good deals on things we want because God may have other and better plans for his money.
- Randy Alcorn
Jim Elliot put it, "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose." Why work for what has no lasting value? Why rejoice over what in the end will not matter?
- Randy Alcorn
Most people live unprepared for death. But those who are wise will go to a reliable source to investigate what's on the other side. And if they discover that the choices they make during their brief stay in this world will matter in the world to come, they'll want to adjust those choices accordingly.
- Randy Alcorn
If you know you can fall, you make wise choices to keep yourself from falling.
- Randy Alcorn
Yes, Satan rebelled. Yes, Adam and Eve freely chose sin, and with it death and suffering. And yes, the all-powerful, happy God could have intervened to prevent those choices. If that intervention would have brought him more glory and us more good, no doubt he would have done it. But God, in his wisdom, determined that not even rebellion and sin could thwart his plan to further his happiness and that of his people.
- Randy Alcorn
Charles Spurgeon's answer was to recognize that whatever God's Word teaches is true, whether or not it all makes sense to us. He said, I
- Randy Alcorn
If all the Bibles in America were simultaneously dusted, the sun would be obscured for a week. It's not a magic talisman that works without being read. A Bible does us no harm as long as it remains closed.
- Randy Alcorn
The power of the words we speak is far greater than we realize. "Life and death is in the power of the tongue" (Proverbs 18:21).
- Randy Alcorn