Quotes about Wisdom
Other helpful passages include Job 31:1, Proverbs 6:27, Mark 9:42ff., Ephesians 5:3-7, and 2 Timothy 2:22, some of which are commented upon below.)
- Kent Hughes
You can never have a Christian mind without reading the Scriptures regularly because you cannot be profoundly influenced by that which you do not know.
- Kent Hughes
There's this thing that I like to call the RC Sproul principle of hermenutics. When you're reading the bible and you come across someone doing something really stupid, don't say to yourself "I'm glad I'm not him". Ask yourself "How am I that stupid?
- RC Sproul Jr.
A man's wisdom gives him patience; it is to his glory to overlook an offence' (Prov. 19:11).
- RT Kendall
Dr. Lloyd-Jones used to say, "The worst thing that can happen to a man is to succeed before he is ready.
- RT Kendall
Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful. —SAMUEL JOHNSON (1709—1784)
- RT Kendall
I don't know who said it first, but the following is good advice: If you do nothing but read your Bible, you will dry up; if you only pray, you will blow up; but if you read your Bible and pray, you will grow up.
- RT Kendall
As Dr. Lloyd-Jones used to say, "The worst thing that can happen to a man is to succeed before he is ready.
- RT Kendall
The tradition is a fence around the law; tithes are a fence around riches; vows are a fence around abstinence; a fence around wisdom is silence.
- Akiva ben Joseph
In the divine Scriptures, there are shallows and there are deeps; shallows where the lamb may wade, and deeps where the elephant may swim.
- John Owen
In my tradition, one must wait until one has learned a lot of Bible and Talmud and the Prophets to handle mysticism. This isn't instant coffee. There is no instant mysticism.
- Elie Wiesel
There are as many pillows of illusion as flakes in a snow-storm. We wake from one dream into another dream.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson