Quotes about Wisdom
My Mama always said you've got to put the past behind you before you can move on.
- Forrest Gump
The only medicine for suffering, crime, and all other woes of mankind, is wisdom. Teach a man to read and write, and you have put into his hands the great keys of the wisdom box. But it is quite another thing to open the box.
- Thomas Henry Huxley
Remember that man lives only in the present, in this fleeting instant; all the rest of his life is either past and gone, or not yet revealed. Short, therefore, is man's life, and narrow is the corner of the earth wherein he dwells.
- Marcus Aurelius
The gods sustain and guide all their works.
- Marcus Aurelius
It is a disgrace to let ignorance and vanity do more with us than prudence and principle.
- Marcus Aurelius
All you need are these: certainty of judgment in the present moment; action for the common good in the present moment; and an attitude of gratitude in the present moment for anything that comes your way.
- Marcus Aurelius
The best answer to anger is silence.
- Marcus Aurelius
The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury.
- Marcus Aurelius
Mark how fleeting and paltry is the estate of man—yesterday in embryo, tomorrow a mummy or ashes. So for the hairsbreadth of time assigned to thee, live rationally, and part with life cheerfully, as drops the ripe olive, extolling the season that bore it and the tree that matured it.
- Marcus Aurelius
You must become an old man in good time if you wish to be an old man long.
- Marcus Aurelius
Be not as one that hath ten thousand years to live death is nigh at hand while thou livest, while thou hast time, be good.
- Marcus Aurelius
This is a proof of a well-trained mind, to rejoice in what is good and to grieve at the opposite.
- Cicero