Quotes about Wisdom
We are called to have Scripture so deeply engrained in our lives that we are wise and thankful, and thus always ready to teach and admonish (confront) one another.
- Paul David Tripp
After you have bowed down and worshiped, get up and serve this One of awesome glory. Refuse to question his will. Refuse to let yourself think that his boundaries are ill placed. Be thankful his majesty is your protection, his glory is your motivation, his grace is your help, and his wisdom is your direction.
- Paul David Tripp
For sin, forgiveness; for weakness, strength; for foolishness, wisdom; for bondage, deliverance—such is the way of the grace of Jesus.
- Paul David Tripp
Get up and face life with courage because, as God's child, you have not been left to the limits of your own strength and wisdom.
- Paul David Tripp
Maturity is about relationship to God that results in wise and humble living. Maturity of love for Christ expresses itself in love for others. Thankfulness for the grace of Christ expresses itself in grace to others. Gratitude for the patience and forgiveness of Christ enables you to be patient and forgiving toward others. It is your own daily experience of the rescue of the gospel that gives you a passion for people to experience the same rescue.
- Paul David Tripp
For the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength.
- Paul David Tripp
You didn't do it, and the sooner you understand that, the better it will be for you and your marriage. You couldn't have done it. You're simply not that powerful and not that wise. You and I like to think that it was all our initiative, but it wasn't. When you face the fact that your marital story is all about the wisdom and will of Another, your understanding of marriage completely changes forever.
- Paul David Tripp
It contradicts our normal thinking, but the doorway to freedom is submission. When I acknowledge that I am a danger to myself and submit to the authority, wisdom, and grace of God, I am not killing any hope I have for freedom. The opposite is true.
- Paul David Tripp
Limits not only reveal his wisdom; they also express his love. Limits are not a prison; they are a grace. You cannot allow your leadership community to assign more work to a leader than can be done in the time allotted to him or her. You cannot ask a person to pile work upon work, day after day, without periodic Sabbaths of rest. There are few more important things for a spiritually healthy leadership community to consider than the time limits that God designed for his creation from the get-go.
- Paul David Tripp
Here is what life is all about. At its center is a God of awesome glory—glorious in power, wisdom, faithfulness, love, and grace. Here is what everyone needs—rescue by this glory. Here is what everyone was created for—to live for this glory. Here is grace—that God would choose to splash his eternal glory down on inglorious, unthankful, rebellious, and self-oriented people such as us.
- Paul David Tripp
It's so easy to have divine wisdom corrupted by human wisdom. It's so easy to breathe in the polluted air of a culture that no longer actually thinks that God is, let alone that he is wise.
- Paul David Tripp
The mere adding of years to life is not living.
- Paul Hoffman