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Quotes about Wisdom

Man soll bauen als wollt man ewig leben, und also leben als sollt man morgen sterben. One should build as if one would live forever, and live as though one would die tomorrow.
- Martin Luther
In lying fashion you ignore what even children know.
- Martin Luther
This is the wonderful power of God, that He rules over all as individuals and over individuals as all. And He knows all things.
- Martin Luther
For the statement of Isaiah (28:19) is true: "Trouble gives understanding"; likewise, hunger is the best condiment. For those who are afflicted have a better understanding of the Holy Scriptures; the smug and prosperous read them as if they were some poem written by Ovid.
- Martin Luther
For since through the sin of Adam we are sunk in blindness, so that we are wholly ignorant of God in all His will and counsel, it is not only foolish but also impossible of ourselves to prepare a light and a way by which to approach God and find out what He would have us do, as He says in the Book of Wisdom (9:13-14): "The thoughts of mortals are fearful and uncertain. For who among men can know what God wants?
- Martin Luther
For even the heathen poet said, "I was wrong in thinking that that kingdom which is established by force is stronger than that which is joined together by friendship."6
- Martin Luther
Let us act wisely, therefore, and in the fear of God.
- Martin Luther
For I shall never advise a heathen or a Turk, let alone a Christian, to attack another or begin war.
- Martin Luther
Hence it is great wisdom to know that we are nothing but sin, so that we do not think of sin as lightly as do the pope's theologians, who define sin as "anything said, done, or thought against the Law of God." Define sin, rather, on the basis of this psalm, as all that is born of father and mother, before a man is old enough to say, do, or think anything.
- Martin Luther
For He has His strength in His mouth, not a sword in His hand.
- Martin Luther
The world bears the Gospel a grudge because the Gospel condemns the religious wisdom of the world. Jealous for its own religious views, the world in turn charges the Gospel with being a subversive and licentious doctrine, offensive to God and man, a doctrine to be persecuted as the worst plague on earth.
- Martin Luther
for no man, without trials and temptations, can attain to the true understanding of the Holy Scriptures. 
- Martin Luther