Quotes about Wisdom
The Gospel is true because it deprives men of all glory, wisdom, and righteousness and turns over all honor to the Creator alone. It is safer to attribute too much glory unto God than unto man.
- Martin Luther
How is it then that your theologians drivel like people in their second childhood.
- Martin Luther
The world bears the Gospel a grudge because the Gospel condemns the religious wisdom of the world.
- Martin Luther
that prudence of yours makes you veer about, determined not to commit yourself to either side, but to pass safely between Scylla and Charybdis; with the result that, finding yourself battered and buffeted by the waves in the midst of the sea, you assert everything you deny and deny everything you assert.
- Martin Luther
The Lord commonly gives riches to foolish people, to whom he gives nothing else.
- Martin Luther
It is certainly true that reason is the most important and the highest rank among all things and, in comparison with other things of this life, the best and something divine. It is the inventor and mentor of all the arts, medicines, laws, and of whatever wisdom, power, virtue, and glory men possess in this life.
- Martin Luther
I am persuaded that without knowledge of literature pure theology cannot at all endure. . . . When letters have declined and lain prostrate, theology, too, has wretchedly fallen and lain prostrate. . . . It is my desire that there shall be as many poets and rhetoricians as possible, because I see that by these studies as by no other means, people are wonderfully fitted for the grasping of sacred truth and for handling it skillfully and happily.
- Martin Luther
We need a millstone around our neck to keep us humble.
- Martin Luther
The white devil of spiritual sin is far more dangerous than the black devil of carnal sin because the wiser, the better men are without Christ, the more they are likely to ignore and oppose the Gospel.
- Martin Luther
For the Spirit is required to understand the whole of the Scripture and every part of it.
- Martin Luther
In brief, trust not in any who exalt you, but in those who humiliate you. For this is the judgment of God:
- Martin Luther
We teach that all men are naturally depraved. We condemn man's free will, his strength, wisdom, and righteousness. We say that we obtain grace by the free mercy of God alone for Christ's sake.
- Martin Luther