Quotes about Safety
The purpose of government is to enable the people of a nation to live in safety and happiness. Government exists for the interests of the governed, not for the governors.
- Thomas Jefferson
Be like Noah's dove. She made use of her wings to fly, but trust in the ark for safety.
- Thomas Watson
The roles we play in each other's lives are only as powerful as the trust and connection between us--the protection, safety, and caring we are willing to share.
- Oprah Winfrey
The naked man fear no pickpocket.
- Confucius
And after and for a long time to come he'd have reason to evoke the recollection of [the strangers'] smiles and to reflect upon the good will which provoked them for it had power to protect and to confer honor and to strengthen resolve and it had the power to heal men and to bring them to safety long after all other resources were exhausted.
- Cormac McCarthy
Your only real safety would be in disappearing.
- Cormac McCarthy
People dont feel safe no more, he said. We're like the Comanches was two hundred years ago. We dont know what's goin to show up here come daylight. We dont even know what color they'll be.
- Cormac McCarthy
And after and for a long time to come he'd have reason to evoke the recollection of those smiles and to reflect upon the good will which provoked them for it had power to protect and to confer honor and to strengthen resolve and it had power to heal men and to bring them to safety long after all other resources were exhausted.
- Cormac McCarthy
My job was to create a shelf, a platform. Scaffolding. To fill the air around her with a structure. Something safe.
- Charles Martin
Being without food, fearful for one's life, the bombings — all made me so appreciative of safety, of liberty.
- Audrey Hepburn
I think we need the feminine qualities of leadership, which include attention to aesthetics and the environment, nurturing, affection, intuition and the qualities that make people feel safe and cared for.
- Deepak Chopra
Whenever you are willing to obey me, Much-Afraid, and to follow the path of my choice, you will always be able to hear and recognize my voice, and when you hear it you must always obey. Remember also that it is always safe to obey my voice, even if it seems to call you to paths which look impossible or even crazy.
- Hannah Hurnard