Quotes about Trouble
As for the other three, they have made off into some hiding place, and are not likely to trouble you again in the same way now that they realize that I am within call.
- Hannah Hurnard
A happy heart can walk in triumphant indifference through a sea of external trouble; while internal anguish cannot find happiness in the most favorable surroundings.
- Hannah Whitall Smith
The sight of any trouble strikes terror into the heart of those who do not have faith, but those who trust Him say, 'Here comes my food.!
- Watchman Nee
Step by step will those who trust Him find that 'God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.'
- Mary Baker Eddy
What if I gave thanks in the trouble, for the trouble, because the trouble is a gift that causes me to turn? What if I loved God not for His goods but for His love itself that is goodness enough?
- Ann Voskamp
We always get into trouble when we doubt God's love, because when we don't trust him, we don't obey him.
- Rick Warren
Rejoice in the Lord. This is step one. Do not hurry past it. Face God before you face your problem. Then you will be ready to… Ask God for help. "Let your requests be made known to God" (Phil. 4:6). Fear triggers either despair or prayer. Choose wisely. God said, "Call on me in the day of trouble" (Ps. 50:15 NIV).
- Max Lucado
Are you feeling exposed to the storms of life? Read Psalm 91, a wonderful promise from God. When we love him and tell others about that love, he moves to protect us. "I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them" (v. 15 NLT).
- Max Lucado
Not everyone is bound for a life of substance abuse and addiction—but the moment you think you're untouchable is the moment you're most likely headed for trouble. If you're going to be obsessed with something, make God your choice. That's a habit worth keeping.
- Max Lucado
The burlap bag of worry. Cumbersome. Chunky. Unattractive. Scratchy. Hard to get a handle on. Irritating to carry and impossible to give away. No one wants your worries.
- Max Lucado
The trouble for the thief is not how to steal the chief's bugle, but where to blow it
- Maya Angelou
Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You preserve my life; You stretch out Your hand against the anger of my foes, with Your right hand You save me. You, Lord, will fulfill Your purpose for me; Your love, O Lord, endures forever—do not abandon the works of Your hands. (Ps. 138:7—8)
- Beth Moore