Quotes about Trouble
Again, I always go to sea as a sailor, because they make a point of paying me for my trouble, whereas they never pay passengers a single penny that I ever heard of.
- Herman Melville
When trouble comes, focus on God's ability to care for you.
- Charles Stanley
It takes two to get one in trouble.
- Mae West
Bad things happen for multiple reasons, and only the Holy Spirit can reveal the source of trouble in any particular situation.
- Kenneth Copeland
I'm not sure that I want to be without some lack of confidence. If you are too sure of yourself, you don't grow. You may feel confident in some things, but other fields come up as a challenge. And if you don't anticipate trouble, you will be in trouble.
- Lucille Ball
There are plenty of recommendations on how to get out of trouble cheaply and fast. Most of them come down to this: Deny your responsibility.
- Lyndon B. Johnson
What sometimes goes on in all sorts of Christian institutions is not formation of people in the character of Christ; it's teaching of outward conformity. You don't get in trouble for not having the character of Christ, but you do if you don't obey the laws.
- Dallas Willard
I think America is in trouble, but it's not beyond repair. But it's going to take leadership who sees the greatness of this country and who believes that, once again, we can be one nation under God.
- Mike Huckabee
Whatever requires an undue amount of thought or trouble or involves a large expenditure of effort and causes our whole life to revolve, as it were, around solicitude for the flesh must be avoided by Christians.
- St. Basil
I think every American has a role in saving this country. Whether you're Democrat, Republican, independent, it doesn't matter. We all know the country's in trouble. We may disagree on how to solve it, but we all know the country's in trouble.
- Glenn Beck
Peace is not the absence of trouble, but the presence of Christ.
- Sheila Walsh
Neither prophets nor priests nor psalmists offer quick cures for the suffering: we don't find any of them telling us to take a vacation, use this drug, get a hobby. Nor do they ever engage in publicity cover-ups, the plastic-smile propaganda campaigns that hide trouble behind a billboard of positive thinking. None of that: the suffering is held up and proclaimed—and prayed.
- Eugene Peterson