Quotes about Trouble
Love always causes trouble, that's true, but in its favour, it energizes
- Vincent Van Gogh
Whenever we meet disappointment and sickness and trouble, my boy, let us thank Him for having brought us this hour, and let us not forget meekness, for it is written: 'On this man will I look, even on him who is poor and sorrowful and who trembleth at My word.
- Vincent Van Gogh
Although Jesus' prayers do not offer a foolproof formula, they do give clues as to how God works — and does not work — on this planet. Especially when trouble strikes, we want God to intervene more decisively, but Jesus' prayers underscore God's style of restraint out of respect for human freedom.
- Philip Yancey
It is interesting to note that Israel cannot live in her land today and have peace while she continues to reject God. It is not Russia or the Arabs that are giving Israel so much trouble; it is God. Israel is God's chosen people. He is going to bring them back to their land someday in faith and belief. They are returning to the land today in unbelief, and they do not have peace. This is the evidence of the hand of God in the affairs of the world.
- J. Vernon McGee
Well says Owen, "I do not understand how a man can be a true believer unto whom sin is not the greatest burden, sorrow, and trouble.
- JC Ryle
When having a goal takes your focus off God and His daily intentions for you, it can cause trouble. Proverbs
- Lysa TerKeurst
The enemy uses disappointments to cause so much trouble in an unsettled heart. A heart hungry for something to ease the ache of disappointment is especially susceptible to the most dangerous forms of desire.
- Lysa TerKeurst
I did not know from a scientific perspective why I did not believe in evolution - but I knew from a Biblical perspective it had to be wrong or my faith was in trouble.
- Ken Ham
The purpose of faith isn't always to keep us from having trouble. It is often to carry us through trouble. If we never had any trouble, we wouldn't need any faith.
- Joyce Meyer
Our walk by faith, if it is true biblical faith, will get us in trouble.
- AW Tozer
Faith pulls the black mask from the face of trouble, and discovers the angel beneath.
- Charles Spurgeon
They are the troublers, they are the dividers of unity, who neglect and don't permit others to unite those dissevered pieces which are yet wanting to the body of Truth.
- John Milton