Quotes about Adoration
And all the angels stood around the throne and around the elders and the four living creatures. And they fell facedown before the throne and worshiped God,
- Revelation 7:11
And the twenty-four elders who sit on their thrones before God fell on their faces and worshiped God,
- Revelation 11:16
And the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God who sits on the throne, saying: “Amen, Hallelujah!”
- Revelation 19:4
It's certain that the thing a man's heart is most taken with and set upon is his God.
- Jeremiah Burroughs
If I did not love you more today than I did yesterday, I would love you less, and that is intolerable. So I must find more ways to love you every day.
- Peter Kreeft
God loves us more than we love Him.
- Peter Kreeft
The book of Revelation is a book of worship that summons us to recognize the awesome majesty of our Lord.
- Craig Keener
It was not the passion that was new to her, it was the yearning adoration. She knew she had always feared it, for it left her helpless; she feared it still, lest if she adored him too much, then she would lose herself, become effaced, and she did not want to be effaced, a slave, like a savage woman. She must not become a slave. She feared her adoration, yet she would not at once fight against it.
- DH Lawrence
It was not the passion that was new to her, it was the yearning adoration. She knew she had always feared it, for it left her helpless; she feared it still, lest if she adored him too much, then she would lose herself, become effaced, and she did not want to be effaced, a slave, like a savage woman. She must not become a slave. She feared her adoration, yet she would not at once fight against it.
- DH Lawrence
But what if I create a universe that is free, free even of me? What if I veil My Divinity so that the creatures are free to pursue their individual lives without being overwhelmed by My overpowering Presence? Will the creatures love Me? Can I be loved by creatures whom I have not programmed to adore me forever? Can love arise out of freedom? My angels love me unceasingly, but they can see Me at all times. What if I create beings in My own image as a Creator, beings who are free? But
- Philip Yancey
What would worship look like if we directed it more toward God than toward our own amusement?
- Philip Yancey
Our devotion must culminate in a conscious yielding of every part of our personality, every ambition, every relationship, and every hope to Him. This done, we have reached the apex of personal devotion
- Kent Hughes