Quotes about Adoration
I must take time to worship the One whose name I bear.
- Oswald Chambers
O Lord, I would bless and praise Thee. How hard I find it to praise Thee when I am not physically fit, and yet why should it—that means that I praise Thee when it is a pleasure to me physically. O Lord, that my soul were one continual praise to Thee.
- Oswald Chambers
Human beings by their very nature are worshipers. Worship is not something we do; it defines who we are. You cannot divide human beings into those who worship and those who don't. Everybody worships; it's just a matter of what, or whom, we serve.
- Paul David Tripp
The question is not if we worship, but what we give our hearts to worship.
- Paul David Tripp
The question is not whether you will worship, but rather what you will worship—your glorious Creator or something he created.
- Paul David Tripp
Then the man bowed down and worshiped the LORD,
- Genesis 24:26
And you must not go up to My altar on steps, lest your nakedness be exposed on it.’
- Exodus 20:26
You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not leave anyone unpunished who takes His name in vain.
- Deuteronomy 5:11
For great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised; He is to be feared above all gods.
- 1 Chronicles 16:25
Ascribe to the LORD the glory due His name; bring an offering and come before Him. Worship the LORD in the splendor of His holiness;
- 1 Chronicles 16:29
Now therefore, our God, we give You thanks, and we praise Your glorious name.
- 1 Chronicles 29:13
Then Jehoshaphat bowed facedown, and all the people of Judah and Jerusalem fell down before the LORD to worship Him.
- 2 Chronicles 20:18