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Quotes about Adoration

There is none like Him; I would not exchange one smile of His lovely face with kingdoms.
- Samuel Rutherford
The more sanctified a person is the more heavily weighted his prayer time is in adoration.
- RC Sproul
Now is the time for us to stop seeking our own satisfaction and to pour out our lives before HIM.
- Oswald Chambers
O my Savior, Shield, and Sun,   Shepherd, Brother, Husband, Friend,   Every precious name in one;   I will love thee without end.
- John Newton
The only people who soul can truly magnify the Lord are...people who acknowledge their lowly estate and are overwhelmed by the condescension of the magnificent God.
- John Piper
God is not worshiped where He is not treasured and enjoyed.
- John Piper
The magnifying of Christ in the white-hot worship of all nations is the reason the world exists.
- John Piper
I should interweave my theology with prayer. I should frequently interrupt my talking about God by talking to God. Not far behind the theological sentence, "God is generous," should come the prayerful sentence, "Thank you, God." On the heels of, "God is glorious," should come, "I adore your glory." What I have come to see is that this is the way it must be if we are feeling God's reality in our hearts as well as describing it with our heads.
- John Piper
It is our duty and delight to adore our great God, but he is not honored by ignorant adoration, for that can only be a charade. Adoration must be based on some knowledge, otherwise it is not God himself whom we adore.
- John Piper
A feast of dedication; yet he calls it a feast to Jehovah; for as brutish as they were, they did not design to terminate their adoration in the image; but they made it for a representation of the true God...yet this did not excuse them from gross idolatry."
- John Wesley
God created us to be worshipers because it is right that he be known, loved and worshiped. This isn't because he is needy and wishes someone would tell him how special he is. No, it's because he is perfect and the worship of his perfection is holiness in action.
- Elyse Fitzpatrick
What a grand thing, to be loved! What a grander thing still, to love!
- Victor Hugo