Quotes about Wandering
Sometimes, perhaps, we are allowed to get lost that we may find the right person to ask directions of.
- Robert Brault
She came out of her reverie with a deep sigh and looked at him with a dreamy gaze of a soul that had been wandering afar, star-led.
- LM Montgomery
It is a pity to gather wood-flowers. They lose half their witchery away from the green and the flicker. The way to enjoy wood-flowers is to track them down to their remote haunts—gloat over them—and then leave them with backward glances, taking with us only the beguiling memory of their grace and fragrance.
- LM Montgomery
But the way girls roam over the earth now is something terrible. It always makes me think of Satan in the Book of Job, going to and fro and walking up and down.
- LM Montgomery
Your civilization was once alive, vibrant, productive, and borne in glory. Now look at you—a wandering, questioning pack of rebels teetering on the brink of dissolution.
- Andy Andrews
she saw maps and pictures hung upon pegs. She took down a jar from one of the shelves as she passed;
- Lewis Carroll
But Dick had come away for his soul's sake, and he began thinking about that. He had lost himself--he could not tell the hour when, or the day or the week, the month or the year.
- F Scott Fitzgerald
And your children shall wander in the wilderness forty years.
- Anonymous
All we like sheep have gone astray.
- Anonymous
Raging waves of the sea, foaming out their own shame; wandering stars, to whom is reserved the blackness of darkness for ever.
- Anonymous
Let us imagine, for example, a merchant who, entering a wood with a company of faithful men, unwisely wanders away from his companions, and in his wandering comes upon a robber's den, falls among thieves, and is slain. His death was not only foreseen by God's eye, but also determined by his decree. For it is not said that he foresaw how long the life of each man would extend, but that he determined and fixed the bounds that men cannot pass [Job 14:5]. Yet
- John Calvin
Some people are born very far from home.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson