Quotes about Disaster
Therefore this is what the LORD says: “I am planning against this nation a disaster from which you cannot free your necks. Then you will not walk so proudly, for it will be a time of calamity.
- Micah 2:3
For this is what the LORD of Hosts says: “Just as I resolved to bring disaster upon you when your fathers provoked Me to anger, and I did not relent,” says the LORD of Hosts,
- Zechariah 8:14
Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
- Matthew 24:7
“Men, I can see that our voyage will be filled with disaster and great loss, not only to ship and cargo, but to our own lives as well.”
- Acts 27:10
After the men had gone a long time without food, Paul stood up among them and said, “Men, you should have followed my advice not to sail from Crete. Then you would have averted this disaster and loss.
- Acts 27:21
The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters turned bitter like wormwood oil, and many people died from the bitter waters.
- Revelation 8:11
After-school tutoring programs, care for the elderly, shelters for the homeless, disaster relief work, and a variety of other services would all benefit from government funding.
- Tony Campolo
The calamities we experience here are only temporary phenomena. Each disaster reminds us that a disaster-free eternity
- David Jeremiah
When we see death, we see disaster. When Jesus sees death, he sees deliverance!
- Max Lucado
I know it's crazy, but I actually prefer to prepare for disaster and worst-case scenarios, rather than panic once they do occur.
- Glenn Beck
We could of brought weeners, she said. Yeah. Marshmallers. You wouldnt think a car would burn like that.
- Cormac McCarthy
Human love, human trust, are always perilous, because they break down. The greater the love, the greater the trust, and the greater the peril, the greater the disaster. Because to place absolute trust on another human being is in itself a disaster, both ways, since each human being is a ship that must sail its own course, even if it go in company with another ship.... And yet, love is the greatest thing between human beings.
- DH Lawrence