Quotes about Criticism
Following your convictions means you must be willing to face criticism from those who lack the same courage to do what is right. It's called the road less traveled.
- Donald Trump
Do you pray for your pastor on Saturday night? Don't criticize him, but rather pray for him. He needs your prayers. The Devil gives him enough opposition. You don't need to join the crowd that crucifies the man who is preaching the Word of God. You ought to uphold his hands as Aaron and Hur upheld the hands of Moses on behalf of Israel. My heart goes out to pastors who are in need of congregations who will stand with them.
- J. Vernon McGee
Labels start out as little threads of self dissatisfaction but ultimately weave together into a straightjacket of self-condemnation
- Lysa TerKeurst
Make no mistake, those who are the most eager to harshly criticize others are often the ones most desperate to keep hidden their own secret sins or unresolved pain.
- Lysa TerKeurst
those who are the most eager to harshly criticize others are often the ones most desperate to keep hidden their own secret sins or unresolved pain.
- Lysa TerKeurst
The authors challenge that the marriage in which one cannot express disappointment has become an idol — The Thing that Cannot Be Questioned.
- John Eldredge
A man whose identity flows out of deep validation doesn't wilt under criticism. He enjoys applause when it comes but frankly isn't desperate for it. He can walk away from work at five o'clock; he doesn't measure his success by how much money he makes. We grow into this man, to be sure; I'm not setting a new standard of perfection. But what I am describing.
- John Eldredge
Endymion received mostly negative criticism after its release and Keats himself admitted its diffuse and unappealing style. It was damned by many critics, giving rise to Byron's quip that Keats was ultimately "snuffed out by an article", suggesting that he never truly got over the criticism the poem received.
- John Keats
We make her bear and raise our children And then we leave her flat for being a fat old mother hen We tell her, home is the only place she should be Then we complain that she's too unworldly to be our friend
- John Lennon
What people are afraid of isn't failure. It's blame. Criticism.
- Seth Godin
Perfection isn't attainable, that's why we demand it from others.
- Vincent Van Gogh
Taking away the good is even more lethal than pointing out the bad.
- Gloria Steinem