Quotes about Son
As humans we have two great spiritual needs. The first is forgiveness, which God has made possible by sending His Son into the world to die for our sins. Our second need, however, is for goodness, which God also made possible by sending the Holy Spirit to dwell within us.
- Billy Graham
No one can grasp the love of the God of the universe without knowing His Son.
- Billy Graham
The Bible teaches that Satan is the author of sin. Sin is the reason we have afflictions, including death. All of our problems and our suffering are a result of man's rebellion against God. But God has provided a rescue in His Son.
- Billy Graham
Ultimately, every human being must face this question: What do you think of Christ? Whose Son is He? We must answer this question with belief and action. We must not only believe something about Jesus, but we must do something about Him. We must accept Him or reject Him.
- Billy Graham
Don't hold yourselves cheap, seeing that the creator of all things and of you estimates your value so high, so dear, that he pours out for you every day the most precious blood of his only-begotten Son.
- St. Augustine
For when God said, "Let there be light, and there was light," if we are justified in understanding in this light the creation of the angels, then certainly they were created partakers of the eternal light which is the unchangeable Wisdom of God, by which all things were made, and whom we call the only-begotten Son of God.
- St. Augustine
What prayer could be more true before God the Father than that which the Son, who is Truth, uttered with His own lips?
- St. John Chrysostom
The Father is more concerned with the coming forth of His Son in our lives than He is in defeating Satan.
- Francis Frangipane
You tell others about Me - that I am a loving God. Your words are glib. My words are written in the blood of My only Son.
- Brennan Manning
The awesome love of our invisible God has become both visible and audible in Jesus Christ, the glory of the only Son filled with enduring love.
- Brennan Manning
The confession of John the apostle that God is love is the fundamental meaning of the holy and adorable Trinity. Put bluntly, God is sheer Being-in-Love and there was never a time when God was not love. The foundation of the furious longing of God is the Father who is the originating Lover, the Son who is the full self-expression of that Love, and the Spirit who is the original and inexhaustible activity of that Love, drawing the created universe into itself.
- Brennan Manning
Jesus, the Son of God, is the man of sorrows, but also the man of complete joy.
- Henri Nouwen