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Quotes about Son

and asked, “Is this your son, the one you say was born blind? So how is it that he can now see?”
- John 9:19
His parents answered, “We know he is our son, and we know he was born blind.
- John 9:20
then what about the One whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world? How then can you accuse Me of blasphemy for stating that I am the Son of God?
- John 10:36
When Jesus heard this, He said, “This sickness will not end in death. No, it is for the glory of God, so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.”
- John 11:4
“Yes, Lord,” she answered, “I believe that You are the Christ, the Son of God, who was to come into the world.”
- John 11:27
The crowd replied, “We have heard from the Law that the Christ will remain forever. So how can You say that the Son of Man must be lifted up? Who is this Son of Man?”
- John 12:34
Jesus answered, “It is the one to whom I give this morsel after I have dipped it.” Then He dipped the morsel and gave it to Judas son of Simon Iscariot.
- John 13:26
If God is glorified in Him, God will also glorify the Son in Himself—and will glorify Him at once.
- John 13:32
And I will do whatever you ask in My name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.
- John 14:13
When Jesus had spoken these things, He lifted up His eyes to heaven and said, “Father, the hour has come. Glorify Your Son, that Your Son may glorify You.
- John 17:1
While I was with them, I protected and preserved them by Your name, the name You gave Me. Not one of them has been lost, except the son of destruction, so that the Scripture would be fulfilled.
- John 17:12
“We have a law,” answered the Jews, “and according to that law He must die, because He declared Himself to be the Son of God.”
- John 19:7