Quotes about Shock
When they told me yesterday what had happened [the death of F. D. Roosevelt], I felt like the moon, the stars and all the planets had fallen on me.
- Harry S. Truman
Linux had paid little attention to the games themselves. The sport of blood had never held him. Linux had a warrior's scorn for gladiators and the maiming of man or beast as entertainment. But for Jacob, a young Judean lad with no concept of Roman games, it clearly had been a terrible shock. The boy's occasional shudder indicated the level of his distress.
- Janette Oke
Did people always have to wait for pestilence or war or tragedy to be shocked into forgetting about themselves?
- Catherine Marshall
We laugh at honor and are shocked to find traitors in our midst.
- CS Lewis
Once God had Moses' attention, He spoke. There are times when God wants to stab our curiosity, so He shocks us out of our routine. Routine is a subtle enemy. We fall into a mental rut, like stumbling into an open grave. And in that mind-numbing routine, we miss God's call.
- Charles Swindoll
You know—we've had to imagine the war here, and we have imagined that it was being fought by aging men like ourselves. We had forgotten that wars were fought by babies. When I saw those freshly shaved faces, it was a shock. "My God, my God—" I said to myself, "it's the Children's Crusade."
- Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
The worlds of poverty and wealth collided, and I guess I felt a little dose of what the experts call culture shock. According to Mother Teresa, it is among the wealthy that we can find the most terrible poverty of all— loneliness. So perhaps I was still among the poorest of the poor, but these poor folks had some cash!
- Shane Claiborne
the news that had everyone from Toronto to Tokyo crapping in their cornflakes
- Ernest Cline
- Ernest Cline
So the real jaw-dropping news that January morning, the news that had everyone from Toronto to Tokyo crapping in their cornflakes, concerned the contents of Halliday's last will and testament, and the fate of his vast fortune.
- Ernest Cline
This was not how I wanted to die. Not even close. And then my ex-girlfriend fell out of the sky.
- Ernest Cline
One of the most mysterious aspects about God communicated in Scripture is that His knowledge about what would transpire didn't necessarily preclude His heightened hopes of something different. He didn't always spare Himself the shock of something appalling, even though He saw it coming. Even a predestined conclusion didn't spare God the emotion of the result. Perhaps most significantly, knowing why didn't keep God from asking why (Isaiah 5:4 and Mark 15:34).
- Beth Moore