Quotes about Vulnerability
Messy love is better than none, I guess. I am no authority on sane living.
- Margaret Atwood
Nobody's heart is perfect.
- Margaret Atwood
Their youngness is terrifying. How could I have put myself into the hands of such inexperience?
- Margaret Atwood
Jimmy found himself wishing to make a dent in Crake, get a reaction; it was one of his weaknesses, to care what other people thought of him.
- Margaret Atwood
Yes, it does feel deceptively safer with two; but Thou is a slippery character. Every Thou I've known has had a way of going missing. They skip town or turn perfidious, or else the drop like flies and then where are you?
- Margaret Atwood
The body is so easily damaged, so easily disposed of, water and chemicals is all it is, hardly more to it than a jellyfish, drying on sand. He
- Margaret Atwood
And if I talk to him, I'll say something wrong, give something away. I can feel it coming, a betrayal of myself.
- Margaret Atwood
Laura was flint in a nest of thistledown. I say flint, not stone: a flint has a heart of fire.
- Margaret Atwood
While I read, the Commander sits and watches me doing it, without speaking but also without taking his eyes off me. This watching is a curiously sexual act, and I feel undressed while he does it.
- Margaret Atwood
There are some women who seem to be born without fear, just as there are people who are born without the ability to feel pain...Providence appears to protect such women, maybe out of astonishment.
- Margaret Atwood
A wall that cannot be defended is no sooner built than ended.
- Margaret Atwood
The moment of betrayal is the worst, the moment when you know beyond any doubt that you've been betrayed: that some other human being has wished you that much evil. It was like being in an elevator cut loose at the top. Falling, falling, and not knowing when you will hit.
- Margaret Atwood