Quotes about Vulnerability
I suppose building a healthy family is possible. Maybe what children really need is simple. Maybe they just need somebody to show them it's okay to be human.
- Donald Miller
If I was going to make Betsy happy, I'd have to trust that my flaws were the ways through which I would receive grace. We don't think of our flaws as the glue that binds us to the people we love, but they are. Grace only sticks to our imperfections. Those who can't accept their imperfections can't accept grace either.
- Donald Miller
Love makes us both strong and weak at the same time.
- Donald Miller
Paul paused again, and then he opened up. He confirmed that, indeed, the defining characteristic of their family was honesty and vulnerability. "There are no shadows in our family," Paul said. "We don't hide anything. But that's a tough place to get to. It takes work and it's painful.
- Donald Miller
A tiny leak can sink a ship.
- Donald Trump
Fear puts an end to openness of manner; fear leads to concealment; fear sows the seed of much hypocrisy, and leads to many a lie.
- JC Ryle
Keep in mind that part of growing up is dealing with difficult issues, and the benefits can be great if you have the courage to ask for help. Human beings are not designed to go through life alone. No one has to bear the burden of tough times all by themselves.
- Jack Canfield
She learned that women were braver than men. Braver and stronger. She learned that she herself could one day stretch open as wide as a window, and it would not kill her.
- Luis Alberto Urrea
If He strips us of all our own resources, we just might learn to lean on Him. And to start praying again.
- Lynn Austin
So often I have felt alone in my journey, yet I've been afraid to let anyone see my fear and weakness.
- Lynn Austin
Besides re-arming myself with joy, I need to know the holes in my defenses, the places where I'm vulnerable and where the enemy has successfully attacked me before.
- Lynn Austin
As I just told Miriam, we'll die a hundred times before the day finally comes if we give in to fear.
- Lynn Austin