Quotes about Vulnerability
It's all about standing there naked in front of the client. It's about building trust. And in the end, that means the client trusts them and takes care of them.
- Patrick Lencioni
At its core, naked service boils down to the ability of a service provider to be vulnerable—to embrace uncommon levels of humility, selflessness, and transparency for the good of a client.
- Patrick Lencioni
Trust] requires team members to make themselves vulnerable to one another, and be confident that their respective vulnerabilities will not be used against them.
- Patrick Lencioni
Remember, teamwork begins by building trust. And the only way to do that is to overcome our need for invulnerability.
- Patrick Lencioni
Rather than avoiding a feeling, your goal should be to move toward the emotion, into it, and eventually through it.
- Patrick Lencioni
identify one particular insight from their profile that they feel highlights a weakness that they would like to address for the good of the team.
- Patrick Lencioni
KEY POINTS—BUILDING TRUST • Trust is the foundation of teamwork. • On a team, trust is all about vulnerability, which is difficult for most people. • Building trust takes time, but the process can be greatly accelerated. • Like a good marriage, trust on a team is never complete; it must be maintained over time.
- Patrick Lencioni
When it comes to teams, trust is all about vulnerability. Team members who trust one another learn to be comfortable being open, even exposed, to one another around their failures, weaknesses, even fears.
- Patrick Lencioni
Partly because teenagers are still half children, and many children are just intrinsically cruel.
- Paul Graham
We pretend to be strong because we are weak.
- Paulo Coelho
Yes, my mind was wandering. I wished I were there with someone who could bring peace to my heart someone with whom I could spend a little time without being afraid that i would lose him the next day. With that reassurance, the time would pass more slowly. We could be silent for a while because we'd know we had the rest of our lives together for conversation. I wouldn't have to worry about serious matters, about difficult decisions and hard words.
- Paulo Coelho
You will never be able to escape from your heart. So it's better to listen to what it has to say. That way, you'll never have to fear an unanticipated blow.
- Paulo Coelho