Quotes about Vulnerability
Our lives are shaped by others literally from birth, and even the best of intentions can result in the most unexpected of hurts.
- Ravi Zacharias
I'm cold,' Snowden said softly, 'I'm cold.' 'You're going to be all right, kid,' Yossarian reassured him with a grin. 'You're going to be all right.' 'I'm cold,' Snowden said again in a frail, childlike voice. 'I'm cold.' 'There, there,' Yossarian said, because he did not know what else to say. 'There, there.' 'I'm cold,' Snowden whimpered. 'I'm cold.' 'There, there. There, there.
- Joseph Heller
You're inches away from death every time you go on a mission. How much older can you be at your age?
- Joseph Heller
In the morning he stepped from his tent looking haggard, fearful and guilt-ridden, an eaten shell of a human building rocking perilously on the brink of collapse.
- Joseph Heller
God knows the mess we're in when He calls us. His light shines greater through "cracked pots" than it does through those who have it all together.
- Joyce Meyer
The Holy Spirit showed me that when I put up walls to keep others out I also wall myself into solitary place of confinement.
- Joyce Meyer
I was afraid to let other make any decisions, because I had no confidence they would be concerned for me.
- Joyce Meyer
Three things Jehoshaphat did were very important. First, he acknowledged he had no might to stand against his enemies. Second, he admitted he did not know what to do. And third, he said his eyes were on God. By saying these three things, Jehoshaphat put himself in position for a miracle.
- Joyce Meyer
People who have no capacity to trust suspect the motives of others. I know this is true because I had a real problem in this area. Even when other people told me they loved me, I was always waiting for them to hurt me, disappoint me, fail me, or abuse me. I figured that they must be after something; otherwise, they would not be nice to me. I just could not believe that anyone would want me just for myself. There had to be some other reason!
- Joyce Meyer
Those who are easily offended and touchy are insecure.
- Joyce Meyer
Be not ashamed women, ... You are the gates of the body, and you are the gates of the soul.
- Walt Whitman
Our lives improve only when we take chances -- and the first and most difficult risk we can take is to be honest with ourselves.
- Walter Anderson