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Quotes about Vulnerability

We must lay before him what is in us not what ought to be in us.
- CS Lewis
It's my job to manage my heart so that I can respond to you in love and cast out fear in our relationship.
- Danny Silk
The extent to which two people in a relationship can bring up and resolve issues is a critical marker of the soundness of a relationship.
- Henry Cloud
Being open to correction means making ourselves vulnerable, and many people are not willing to do that.
- Myles Munroe
The Prayer that precedes all other prayer is, may the real me meet the real you.
- CS Lewis
Unkind people need your kindness the most. They advertise their pain.
- Rick Warren
I think your heart needs to be broken, and broken open, at least once to have a heart at all or to have a heart for others.
- Fr. Richard Rohr
But Jesus felt her yearning, her fragility masked by bravado. He always broke down barriers, never erected them.
- Jay Parini
Savor powerlessness, after power, in every phase that matches it precisely; replace every old triumph with the new defeat; strengthen yourself on your weakness; win yourself back when so very lost.
- Elias Canetti
Mereu, în constelaÈ›iile schimb?toare ale haitei, în dansurile È™i în tr?s?turile ei, individul se va afla la margine. Va fi în?untru È™i apoi iar??i la margine, la margine È™i iar??i în?untru. Dac? haita formeaz? un cerc în jurul focului, el va avea vecini în dreapta È™i în stânga, dar spatele-i este liber; spatele f?r? ap?rare este expus s?lb?ticiei.
- Elias Canetti
I remember a young Hungarian Jew, his shoulders stooped like an old man's, who confessed to some infraction so as to be beaten in his uncle's stead. I am young, he said, and stronger than he. He was young but no less weak. He did not survive the beating
- Elie Wiesel
Could men and women who consider it normal to assist the weak, to heal the sick, to protect small children, and to respect the wisdom of their elders understand what happened there? Would they be able to comprehend how, within that cursed universe, the masters tortured the weak and massacred the children, the sick, and the old?
- Elie Wiesel