Quotes about Devotion
You must die if you would live under this King. You must bear the cross and the hatred of the whole world. You must not flee from ignominy, poverty, hunger, and thirst, in other words, all the evil that floods the earth.
- Martin Luther
He has come that they might reject their works; but this is a thing they cannot suffer, and they reject Him.
- Martin Luther
To be a Christian without praying is no more possible than to be alive without breathing.
- Martin Luther
Works, since they are irrational things, cannot glorify God, although they may be done to the glory of God, if faith be present.
- Martin Luther
Those who lapse from the Gospel to the Law are no better off than those who lapse from grace into idolatry.
- Martin Luther
Faith is Individual.
- Martin Luther
For we have vowed enough in baptism, more than we can ever fulfill; if we give ourselves to the keeping of this one vow, we shall have all we can do.
- Martin Luther
If I were emperor, king, or prince in a campaign against the Turk, I would exhort my bishops and priests to stay at home and mind the duties of their office, praying, fasting, saying mass, preaching, and caring for the poor, as not only Holy Scripture, but their own canon law teaches and requires.
- Martin Luther
You will thus wrong your faith, which alone bestows all things on you, and the increase of which, either by working or by suffering, is alone to be cared for.
- Martin Luther
As I have always both offered and desired peace so that I might devote myself to quieter and more useful studies, and have stormed with such great fury merely for the purpose of overwhelming my unequal opponents by the volume and violence of words no less than of intellect, I not only gladly ceased but also joyfully and thankfully considered this suggestion a very welcome kindness to me, provided our hope could be realized.
- Martin Luther
God doesn't test us because he enjoys it. He tests us to find out whether we love him above all things.
- Martin Luther
The Epistle to the Galatians is my epistle. To it I am as it were in wedlock. It is my Katherine.
- Martin Luther