Quotes about Civil
We have no right to prejudice another in his civil enjoyments because he is of another church.
- Thomas Jefferson
I propose that the government should get out of the business of marrying people and, instead, only give legal status to civil unions.
- Tony Campolo
Thus, though Christians are in no way bound by the Jewish ceremonial or civil laws (because they were all in some way preparatory for Christ), we are still under the Ten Commandments in one way, though not in two other ways.
- Peter Kreeft
The crucified Christ has become a stranger to the civil religion of the First World and to that world's Christianity.
- Jurgen Moltmann
The federal election statutes are primarily meant to be civil. That doesn't mean that you can't have a criminal violation of the FEC provisions, but that's just my personal opinion.
- John Kennedy
Standards of conduct appropriate to civil society or the workings of a democracy cannot be purely and simply applied to the Church.
- Pope Benedict XVI
No provision in our Constitution ought to be dearer to man than that which protects the rights of conscience against the enterprises of the civil authority.
- Thomas Jefferson
When complaints are freely heard, deeply considered and speedily reformed, then is the utmost bound of civil liberty attained that wise men look for.
- John Milton
All men are created equal.
- Thomas Jefferson
Every new & successful example therefore of a perfect separation between ecclesiastical and civil matters , is of importance. And I have no doubt that every new example, will succeed, as every past one has done, in shewing that religion & Govt. will both exist in greater purity, the less they are mixed together . [ Letter to Edward Livingston, 10 July 1822 - Writings 9:100--103 ]
- James Madison
It becomes us in humility to make our devout acknowledgments to the Supreme Ruler of the Universe for the inestimable civil and religious blessings with which we are favored.
- James K. Polk
Political Liberty consists in the power of doing whatever does not injure another. The exercise of the natural rights of every [human], has no other limits than those which are necessary to secure to every other [human] the free exercise of the same rights.
- Thomas Paine