Quotes about Civility
Years ago on my radio show, I used to say, 'I'm a conservative, but I'm not in a bad mood about it.' I've always believed that civility in heavy doses is essential in self-government.
- Mike Pence
Frankness is not a license to say anything you want, wherever and whenever you want. It is not rudeness.
- Rick Warren
If bitter party name-calling turns people off then smear politics just destroys all credibility in the aims of politicians, the role of political parties and the political process itself.
- John McDonnell
It isn't manly to be enraged. Rather gentleness and civility are more human, therefrom more manly.
- Marcus Aurelius
It is a wise thing to be polite; consequently, it is a stupid thing to be rude. To make enemies by unnecessary and willful incivility, is just as insane a proceeding as to set your house on fire. For politeness is like a counter--an avowedly false coin, with which it is foolish to be stingy.
- Arthur Schopenhauer
The civility which money will purchase, is rarely extended to those who have none.
- Charles Dickens
I'm not going to get down in the gutter with DeSantis and Trump - there's enough of that going on.
- Andrew Gillum
October 6, 1774 I met those of our society who had votes in the ensuing election, and advised them 1. To vote, without fee or reward, for the person they judged most worthy 2. To speak no evil of the person they voted against, and 3. To take care their spirits were not sharpened against those that voted on the other side.
- John Wesley
I think it is important that we rebuild an atmosphere of forgiveness and civility in every aspect of our lives.
- Bishop TD Jakes
Today we affirm a new commitment to live out our nation's promise through civility, courage, compassion and character.
- George W. Bush
It is a mistake that there is no bath that will cure people's manners, but drowning would help.
- Mark Twain
No real gentleman will tell the naked truth in the presence of ladies.
- Mark Twain