Quotes about Respect
Love never forces itself on another's will. So
- Norman Geisler
A human being should never become a means to an end.
- Viktor E. Frankl
Love is living the experience of another person in all his uniqueness and singularity.
- Viktor E. Frankl
To give a truthful account of London society at that or indeed at any other time, is beyond the powers of the biographer or the historian. Only those who have little need of the truth, and no respect for it - the poets and the novelists - can be trusted to do it, for this is one of the cases where the truth does not exist. Nothing exists. The whole thing is a miasma - a mirage.
- Virginia Woolf
I need not flatter any man; he has nothing to give me
- Virginia Woolf
The wicked leader is he who the people despise. The good leader is he who the people revere. The great leader is he who the people say, 'We did it ourselves.'
- Lao Tzu
Respect for ourselves guides our morals; respect for others guides our manners
- Laurence Sterne
Now there is nothing in this world I abominate worse, than to be interrupted in a story...
- Laurence Sterne
This idea that it's intolerant to object to anyone else's position, hovever, is a complete perversion of the historic understanding of tolrance, which was that one had to have the respect to listen to anyone else's point of view, even one with which one might profoundly disagree. Tolerance did not reject truth claims; it respected them.
- Charles Colson
Once a gentleman, and always a gentleman.
- Charles Dickens
The carpenter's daughter has won a name for herself, and deserved to win it
- Charles Dickens
Respect! I believe young people are quick enough to observe and imitate; and why or how should they respect whom no one else respects, and everybody slights?
- Charles Dickens