Quotes about Respect
The First Goal of Conversation: Understanding, not Agreement.
- Danny Silk
Individual character involves honoring and embracing certain core ethical values; honesty, respect, responsibility . . . Parents must teach their children from the earliest age the difference between right and wrong. But we must all do our part.
- Bill Clinton
The parents age must be remembered, both for joy and anxiety.
- Confucius
The consumer isn't a moron; she is your wife.
- David Ogilvy
What women rightly long for is spiritual and moral initiative from a man, not spiritual and moral domination.
- John Piper
Despise not yourselves, ye women; the Son of God was born of a woman.
- St. Augustine
It's so clear that you have to cherish everyone. I think that's what I get from these older black women, that every soul is to be cherished, that every flower Is to bloom.
- Alice Walker
There are only two types of women - goddesses and doormats.
- Pablo Picasso
What would men be without women? Scarce, sir, mighty scarce.
- Mark Twain
The person you're meant to be with will never have to be chased, begged, or given an ultimatum.
- Mandy Hale
The beginning of love is the will to let those we love be perfectly themselves, the resolution not to twist them to fit our own image.
- Thomas Merton
from you, my dear Erasmus, let me obtain this request, that just as I bear with your ignorance in these matters, so you in turn will bear with my lack of eloquence.
- Martin Luther