Quotes about Respect
If you build a society in which children honor their parents, your society will long survive. And the corollary is: a society in which children do not honor their parents is doomed to self-destruction. In our time, this connection between honoring parents and maintaining civilization is not widely recognized.
- Dennis Prager
There is a certain kind of dignity we admire, and to which we aspire, in the person who refuses to meet anger with anger, violence with violence, or hatred with hatred.
- Desmond Tutu
A person is a person because she recognizes others as persons.
- Desmond Tutu
Sometimes we confuse humility with timidity...humility allows us to celebrate the gifts of others but it does not mean you have to deny your own gifts or shrink from using them.
- Desmond Tutu
The only respect you should have is the one you earn.
- Stellan Skarsgard
With respect to relationships within the church, the leader is to be above reproach. Detractors should not have a rung to stand on. If a charge is preferred against him, it fails because his life affords no grounds for reproach or indictment of wrongdoing. His adversary finds no opening for a smear campaign, rumor mongering, or gossip.
- J. Oswald Sanders
As to behavior, the leader must be respectable. A well-ordered life is the fruit of a well-ordered mind. The life of the leader should reflect the beauty and orderliness of God.
- J. Oswald Sanders
If the holy conversation, a generous discourse, is to occur, the labeling must cease. We are not dealing with labels, we are talking to people.
- Dan Boone
There is a way to speak the truth in love, treating people with respect. But if being liked is the goal of the preacher, the speech is more likely to be grandstanding than world-shaking.
- Dan Boone
For holy conversation to occur, we must at least be in touch with the reality that we could be wrong. Holy conversation needs an appropriate modesty that is the opposite of arrogance.
- Dan Boone
We just work hard to win the viewers respect and trust every single day.
- Harris Faulkner
We can be civil. We can still be friends, and be Democrats and Republicans, and have different views.
- Joel Osteen