Quotes about Respect
No nation is fit to set in judgment upon any other nation
- Woodrow Wilson
Fear God and you need not fear anyone else.
- Woodrow Wilson
Never summon people to your office; it frightens them. Instead, go to see them in their offices, unannounced. A boss who never wanders about his agency becomes an invisible hermit. 3
- David Ogilvy
Queen Victoria complained that Gladstone talked to her as if he were addressing a public meeting. She preferred Disraeli, who talked to her like a human being. When you write copy, follow Disraeli's example.
- David Ogilvy
O'Captain, My Captain.
- Dead Poets Society
If you want to know a person's true character, observe how he treats those who don't matter.
- Matshona Dhliwayo
We must not only learn to tolerate our differences. We must welcome them as the richness and diversity which can lead to true intelligence.
- Albert Einstein
The idea that you know more than the intelligence community knows, it's a little like saying, I know more about physics than my professor.
- Joe Biden
A consumer is not a moron. She's your wife. Don't insult her intelligence, and don't shock her.
- David Ogilvy
Do unto others as you would have them do to you, said the rapist.
- Bo Burnham
Let us be kinder to one another.
- Aldous Huxley
It is a luxury to put our interests first. It is an honor to put the interests of others before our own.
- Simon Sinek