Quotes about Respect
Pride is no respecter of persons. The serious thinkers may be humble, and the careless mystics may be arrogant.
- John Piper
You can't ever be your heroes, but you can love their gifts.
- John Piper
Not to enjoy God is to dishonor Him.
- John Piper
God] had respect to himself, as his last and highest end, in this work; because he is worthy in himself to be so, being infinitely the greatest and best of beings. All things else, with regard to worthiness, importance, and excellence, are perfectly as nothing in comparison of him. All that is ever spoken of in the Scripture as an ultimate end of God's works is included in that one phrase, the glory of God.
- John Piper
God's respect to the creature's good, and his respect to himself, is not a divided respect; but both are united in one, as the happiness of the creature aimed at is happiness in union with himself.
- John Piper
If God has respect to something in the creature, which he views as of everlasting duration, and as rising higher and higher through that infinite duration, and that not with constantly diminishing (but perhaps an increasing) celerity;114 then he has respect to it, as, in the whole, of infinite height; though there never will be any particular time when it can be said already to have come to such a height.
- John Piper
Of course, Einstein was a very great scientist indeed, and I have enormous respect for him, and great admiration for the discoveries he made. But he was very committed to a view of the objectivity of the physical world.
- John Polkinghorne
Think and let think.
- John Wesley
Though we cannot think alike, may we not love alike? May we not be of one heart, though we are not of one opinion? Without all doubt, we may.
- John Wesley
Do not despise or run down any preacher; do not exalt any one above the rest, lest you hurt both him and the cause of God.
- John Wesley
And Isaac loved Esau - Isaac though he was not a stirring man himself, yet he loved to have his son active. Esau knew how to please him, and shewed a great respect for him, by treating him often with venison, which won upon him more than one would have thought. But Rebekah loved him whom God loved.
- John Wesley
Respect a man, and he will do all the more.
- John Wooden