Quotes about Respect
Don't argue with [a professor], but test everything he says in the light of God's Word.
- Billy Graham
Both my parents had a great influence on me. I never heard my father use a profane or even a slang word. I always respected him because of his complete integrity. In his business dealings his handshake was like a contract. He was as good as his word. Of all the people I have ever known, my mother had the greatest influence on me.
- Billy Graham
The Bible warns [parents] against extremes in dealing with our adult children. It tells us to avoid trying to control [them] once they become adults. When children become independent, a major transition takes place: They are no longer under our authority.
- Billy Graham
The happiest Christian homes I know are those given to hospitality, where neighbors feel at home, where young people are welcome, where the elderly are respected, where children are loved.
- Billy Graham
We never gain in life by hurting others. Sometimes we try to elevate our own insecure egos by degrading and belittling those around us. Yet this produces only a false sense of self-esteem.
- Billy Graham
Suppose there was no anger, no profanity, no lying, no grumbling or complaining; suppose there were no dirty stories told, no unjust criticism—what a different world this would be!
- Billy Graham
Believers need the gift of discernment, or at least respect for the opinions of those who have it . . .believers are to test the various spirits and doctrines that abound. Most of all we are to test them against the standard of the Word of God.
- Billy Graham
If God gives you responsibility for aging parents, seek what is best for them, not what is most convenient for you. And keep contact with them!
- Billy Graham
If ever we needed to put the Golden Rule into action, it's with our aging parents.
- Billy Graham
Children respect discipline. They want to be guided. It gives them a sense of belonging, a sense of security.
- Billy Graham
Loneliness is no respecter of persons. It invades the palace as well as the hut.
- Billy Graham
Consistency, constancy, and undeviating diligence to maintain Christian character are a must if the older generation is to command respect, or even a hearing, from the young.
- Billy Graham