Quotes about Conversation
Religion has no place in his heart, his home, or his conversation. He is all talk, and his religion is to make noise with his mouth. Really!
- John Bunyan
Want of reverence of the Word is the ground of all disorders that are in the heart, life, conversation, and in Christian communion.
- John Bunyan
There is but little of this faithful dealing with men now-a-days, and that makes religion to stink so in the nostrils of many, as it doth; for they are these talkative fools whose religion is only in word, and are debauched and vain in their conversation, that (being so much admitted into the fellowship of the godly) do puzzle the world, blemish Christianity, and grieve the sincere.
- John Bunyan
The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing in the right place, but to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment.
- John Maxwell
Questions + Listening = Quality Conversation. Quality Conversation = Quality Leadership.
- John Maxwell
All great change in America begins at the dinner table.
- Ronald Reagan
It may happen sometimes that a long debate becomes the cause of a longer friendship. Commonly, those who dispute with one another at last agree.
- Elbert Hubbard
Our cellphones can do everything, but they're bad at letting us talk to each other.
- Rainbow Rowell
Sometimes the real bonding happens in conversations about nothing, Don," she said. "Sometimes being willing to talk about nothing shows how much we want to be with each other. And that's a powerful thing.
- Donald Miller
I was talking to a homeless man at the laundry mat recently, and he said that when we reduce Christian spirituality to math we defile the Holy. I thought that was very beautiful and comforting because I have never been good at math.
- Donald Miller
We didn't become the best of friends, but he was my best friend. By best friend I mean he was the best person for me to talk to. Every time I walked away from a beer or a lunch with him I was, somehow, a more centered person. He never let me control the conversation with distractions. He'd just laugh them off and repeat the question I was running from.
- Donald Miller
Prayer isn't just about asking for things. It's taking time to hear what God is saying, too, just like any good conversation. Once we finally stop talking and demanding and begging for things, it's easier to hear what God is trying to say to us.
- Lynn Austin