Quotes about Affection
it is father-like love that awakens childlike trust.
- Andrew Murray
Nothing flatters a man as much as the happiness of his wife; he is always proud of himself as the source of it.
- Samuel Johnson
State of the mind, in general. There grows,In my most ill compos'd affection, such A stanchless avarice, that, were I king,I should cut off the nobles for their lands.Shak.Macbeth. The man that hath no musick in himself,Nor is not mov'd with concord of sweet sounds,Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils;The motions of his spirit are dull as night,And his affections dark as Erebus:Let no such man be trusted.Shakesp.Merchant of Venice.6. Quality;
- Samuel Johnson
Affection is the lively representment of any passion whatsoever, as if the figures stood not upon a cloth or board, but as if they were acting upon a stage.Wotton'sArchitecture.
- Samuel Johnson
We would have a poor idea of marriage and of human affection if we were to think that love and joy come to an end when faced with such difficulties. It is precisely then that our true sentiments come to the surface. Then the tenderness of a person's gift of himself takes root and shows itself in a true and profound affection that is stronger than death.
- Scott Hahn
Supposing a man not only deserves nothing good from you, but he has also provoked you with injustices and injuries—even this is not just cause for you to stop embracing him with affection and fulfilling your duties of love to him.
- John Calvin
Love all love of other sights controls, And makes one little room an everywhere.
- John Donne
For God's sake hold your tongue, and let me love
- John Donne
All other things to their destruction draw, Only our love hath no decay...
- John Donne
I can retain neither respect nor affection for government which has been moving from wrong to wrong in order to defend its immorality
- Mahatma Gandhi
From a sensitive woman's heart springs the happiness of mankind, and from the kindness of her noble spirit comes mankind's affection.
- Khalil Gibran
The human heart at whatever age opens only to the heart that opens in return.
- Maria Edgeworth