Quotes about Affection
'Being in love' first moved them to promise fidelity: this quieter love enables them to keep the promise.
- CS Lewis
And when you find love, or when you are mature enough to understand it, the feeling you get is gratitude.
- Donald Miller
Part of why you love your parents is because they loved you first. Brands need to do that.
- Gary Vaynerchuk
Love will put a spring in your step and a bounce in your heart.
- Jon Jones
I would spend absolutely every last minute with my kids, telling them how much I love them and how much I would do for them.
- Kevin Hart
True love never says goodbye.
- Lauren Kate
You are what you love.
- St. Augustine
I was not yet in love, yet I loved to love...I sought what I might love, in love with loving.
- St. Augustine
For me to love you, Jesus, as you love me, I would have to borrow your own love and then only would I be at rest.
- St. Therese of Lisieux
The only victory love can enjoy is the day when its offer of love is answered by the return of love. The only possible final triumph is a universe loved by God and in love with God.
- William Barclay
To live as God's child is to know, at this very instant, that you are loved by your Maker not because you try to please him and succeed, or fail to please him and apologize, but because he wants to be your Father. Nothing more. All your efforts to win his affection are unnecessary. All your fears of losing his affection are needless. You can no more make him want you than you can convince him to abandon you. The adoption is irreversible. You have a place at his table.
- Max Lucado
God is fond of you. If He had a wallet, your photo would be in it. If He had a refrigerator, your picture would be on it. He sends you flowers every spring and a sunrise every morning. Face it, friend, He's crazy about you.
- Max Lucado