Quotes about Details
God's reality is overwhelmingly intrusive in all the details of life.
- John Piper
It will be best to start right and not let the record get confused, for some instinct tells me that these details are going to be important to the historian some day. For I feel like an experiment, I feel exactly like an experiment; it would be impossible for a person to feel more like an experiment than I do, and so I am coming to feel convinced that that is what I AM—an experiment; just an experiment, and nothing more.
- Mark Twain
So much of a novelist's writing … takes place in the unconscious: in those depths the last word is written before the word appears on paper. We remember the details of our story, we do not invent them.
- Graham Greene
It was as thought he were on the verge of acceptance into a new country; like a refugee he watched the consul lift his pen to fill in the final details of his via. But the refugee remains apprehensive to the last; he has had too many experiences of the sudden afterthought, the fresh question or requirement, the strange official who comes into the room carrying another file.
- Graham Greene
Details are important, and God is just as sovereign over the details as He is over the so-called "big picture.
- Jerry Bridges
Little things do matter. Sometimes, little things matter the most. Everybody pays a lot of attention to big things, but nobody seems to understand that big things are almost always made up of little things. When you ignore little things, they often turn into big things that have become a lot harder to handle.
- Andy Andrews
See, the 'small stuff' is what makes up the larger picture of our lives. Many people are like you, young man. But their perspective is distorted. They ignore 'small stuff,' claiming to have an eye on the bigger picture, never understanding that the bigger picture is composed of nothing more than-are you ready?- 'small stuff'.
- Andy Andrews
My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.
- Albert Einstein
Nothing goes so well with a hot fire and buttered crumpets as a wet day without and a good dose of comfortable horrors within. The heavier the lashing of the rain and the ghastlier the details, the better the flavour seems to be.
- Dorothy Sayers
Our thoughts are either focused on what's eternal, life-changing, and true, or lost in the details of our temporary, selfish, false beliefs.
- Craig Groeschel
In order to create success and money in your life, your intent and focus must be clear. You can then let the universe take care of the details.
- Deepak Chopra
Details create success.
- John Wooden