Quotes about Air
Love makes the air light.
- John Updike
The day is brimming with freedom. He took another draw of the air. There's nothing like the clean smell of freedom, wouldn't you say Eden?
- Ted Dekker
A Radical is a man with both feet firmly planted--in the air. A Conservative is a man with two perfectly good legs who, however, has never learned to walk forward. A Reactionary is a somnambulist walking backwards. A Liberal is a man who uses his legs and his hands at the behest--at the command--of his head.
- Franklin D. Roosevelt
Usefulness, whatever form it may take, is the price we should pay for the air we breathe and the food we eat and the privilege of being alive.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
The house, and all the objects in it, crackled with static electricity; undertows washed through it, the air was heavy with things that were known but not spoken. Like a hollow log, a drum, a church, it was amplified, so that conversations whispered in it sixty years ago can be half-heard today.
- Margaret Atwood
God had come in because God is everywhere, you can't keep him out, he is part of everything there is, so how could you ever build a wall or four walls or a door or a shut window, that he could not walk right through as if it was air.
- Margaret Atwood
Between the living and the dead. They carried the Word made air.
- Margaret Atwood
Life, life, you sang with every cell, compelled into dancing as the spell held you enchained and you burned air.
- Margaret Atwood
Sometimes grace is a ribbon of mountain air that gets in through the cracks.
- Anne Lamott
Let the music which can take the possession of our frame and fill the air with joy for us, sound once more - what does it signify that we heard it found fault with in its absence?
- George Eliot
His friend Tulliver had asked him for an opinion; it is always chilling, in friendly intercourse, to say you have no opinion to give. And if you deliver an opinion at all, it is mere stupidity not to do it with an air of conviction and well-founded knowledge. You make it your own in uttering it, and naturally get fond of it.
- George Eliot
If your time is worth anything, travel by air. If not, you might just as well walk.
- Will Rogers