Quotes about Delivering
The entire hope of fallen humanity rests on this one thing—that there is a Savior who is eternally steadfast in redeeming, forgiving, reconciling, transforming, and delivering love.
- Paul David Tripp
Love is daily admitting to yourself, your spouse, and God that you are not able to love this way without God's protecting, providing, forgiving, rescuing, and delivering grace.
- Paul David Tripp
That is why the LORD had left those nations in place and had not driven them out immediately by delivering them into the hand of Joshua.
- Judges 2:23
Now, O king, come down whenever your soul desires, and we will be responsible for delivering him into your hand.”
- 1 Samuel 23:20
And they went in to offer sacrifices and burnt offerings. Now Jehu had stationed eighty men outside and warned them, “If anyone allows one of the men I am delivering into your hands to escape, he will forfeit his life for theirs.”
- 2 Kings 10:24
As soon as the king heard this, he was deeply distressed and set his mind on delivering Daniel, and he labored until sundown to rescue him.
- Daniel 6:14
Now we're in the midst of not just advocating for change, not just calling for change - we're doing the grinding, sometimes frustrating work of delivering change - inch by inch, day by day.
- Barack Obama
While others still slept, He went away to pray and to renew His strength in communion with His Father. He had need of this, otherwise He would not have been ready for the new day. The holy work of delivering souls demands constant renewal through fellowship with God.
- Andrew Murray
Of one thing we can be sure: angels never draw attention to themselves but ascribe glory to God and press His message upon the hearers as a delivering and sustaining word of the highest order.
- Billy Graham
When a person partners with God in delivering a miracle to another person, they have done what they were supposed to do; God can then deliver the miracle to the other person.
- Bruce Wilkinson