Quotes about Yearning
The perfect joys of heaven do not satisfy the cravings of nature.
- William Hazlitt
Everything smaller than Heaven bores us because only Heaven is bigger than our hearts.
- Peter Kreeft
But he cannot see a connection between the end of yearning and the end of poetry. Is that what growing up amounts to: growing out of yearning, of passion, of all intensities of the soul?
- JM Coetzee
I believe that the most important thing...is to revive in the whole Church that positive tension, that yearning to announce Christ again to contemporary man.
- Pope Benedict XVI
Somewhere, somebody is looking for someone exactly like you.
- Germany Kent
The cost of not following your heart is spending the rest of your life wishing you had.
- Anonymous
God releases more of His power and presence according to the measure of our hunger for Him.
- Mike Bickle
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then I want to go where they do.
- Will Rogers
His voice might be stern, but in the sternness there was still the accent of yearning love; his eyes might flash fire, but the flame was the flame of love.
- William Barclay
All people desire what they believe will make them happy. If a person is not full of desire for God, we can only conclude that he is engaged with another happiness.
- William Law
The whole world appears to me like a huge vacuum, a vast empty space, whence nothing desirable, or at least satisfactory, can possibly be derived; and I long daily to die more and more to it; even though I obtain not that comfort from spiritual things which I earnestly desire.
- David Brainerd
The irony is that while God doesn't need us but still wants us, we desperately need God but don't really want Him most of the time.
- Francis Chan