Quotes about Yearning
The crisis in their souls begins at the moment when they either recognize that they have tremendous potentialities not yet exercised or begin to yearn for a religious life which will make greater demands on them. Up to that moment of crisis, they have lived on the surface of their souls. The tension deepens as they realize that, like a plant, they have roots which need greater spiritual depths and branches meant for communion with the heavens above.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
He seeks us before we dream of seeking him; he knocks before we invite him in; he loves us before we respond.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
Indeed, man wishes to be happy even when he so lives as to make happiness impossible.
- St. Augustine
Often when He comes, He finds the soul occupied. Other guests are there, and He has to turn away. He cannot gain entry, for we love and desire other things; therefore, His gifts, which He is offering to everyone unceasingly, must remain outside.
- Johannes Tauler
Our desires always disappoint us; for though we meet with something that gives us satisfaction, yet it never thoroughly answers our expectation.
- Elbert Hubbard
I wish I didn't have to think about you. You wanted to impress me; well, I'm not impressed, I'm disgusted...You wanted to make damn good and sure I'd never be able to turn over in bed again without feeling that body beside me, not there but tangible, like a leg that's been cut off. Gone but the place still hurts.
- Margaret Atwood
When power is scarce, a little of it is tempting.
- Margaret Atwood
He stops, looks up at this window, and I can see the white oblong of his face. We look at each other. I have no rose to toss, he has no lute. But it's the same kind of hunger.
- Margaret Atwood
He stops, looks up at this window, and I can see the white oblong of his face. We look at each other. I have no rose to toss, he has no lute. But it's the same kind of hunger.
- Margaret Atwood
He stops, looks up at this window, and I can see the white oblong of his face. We look at each other. I have no rose to toss, he has no lute. But it's the same kind of hunger.
- Margaret Atwood
Come away with me, he said, we will live on a desert island. I said, I am a desert island. It was not what he had in mind.
- Margaret Atwood
Still, I wanted to believe; indeed I longed to; and, in the end, how much of belief comes from longing?
- Margaret Atwood