Quotes about Wronged
And in the presence of the king and his princes, Memucan replied, “Queen Vashti has wronged not only the king, but all the princes and the peoples in all the provinces of King Xerxes.
- Esther 1:16
It is not just pastors who get surprised, but it is easy for pastors to harbor the presumption that when we are wronged or ignored or dismissed, God himself is being blasphemed.
- Eugene Peterson
Those evil resentments you harbour in your breast against your neighbour, the failure to forgive those who have wronged you ... the jealousies, the envies, the prejudices, and the malices will take away your appetite for the things of the Spirit.
- Billy Graham
And why does man get angry? Because he feels threatened or wronged. And why does he feel threatened? Because he does not believe he is safe. Why? Because he is afraid of God and so cannot trust him.
- Ted Dekker
All fear springs from an aversion to being threatened or wronged on some level. And yet it is written that true love holds no record of wrong.
- Ted Dekker
What does matter is whether or not we take offense when we think we've been wronged, regardless of who we think we are or what costume we're wearing.
- Ted Dekker
All fear springs from an aversion to being threatened or wronged on some level. And yet it is written that true love holds no record of wrong.3 Love does not take wrong into account. There is no fear in love. No polarity. This is Elyon's love, which sees no threat against itself because it is whole and cannot be disturbed or upset by any finite threat.
- Ted Dekker
Of course Jonah is angry. When you haven't forgiven someone who has wronged you and then something good happens to them—when they are blessed or shown mercy or experience favor—it's infuriating.
- Rob Bell
In that manner Hareton, who should now be the first gentleman in the neighbourhood, was reduced to a state of complete dependence on his father's inveterate enemy; and lives in his own house as a servant, deprived of the advantage of wages: quite unable to right himself, because of his friendlessness, and his ignorance that he has been wronged.
- Emily Bronte
Do you find it difficult to forgive one who has wronged you? Then you will find it difficult to get to heaven.
- Charles Spurgeon