Coral and quartz are unworthy of mention; the price of wisdom is beyond rubies.
- Job 28:18
She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire compares with her.
- Proverbs 3:15
For wisdom is more precious than rubies, and nothing you desire compares with her.
- Proverbs 8:11
A wife of noble character, who can find? She is far more precious than rubies.
- Proverbs 31:10
Aram was your customer because of your many products; they exchanged turquoise, purple, embroidered work, fine linen, coral, and rubies for your wares.
- Ezekiel 27:16
Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is worth more than precious rubies. She will not hinder him but help him all her life. PROVERBS 31:10, 12