Quotes about Selfishness
I am confident that nobody... will accuse me of selfishness if I ask to spend time, while I am still in good health, with my family, my friends and also with myself.
- Nelson Mandela
I had an occasional flash of understanding, but then got selfishly wrapped up again in my own problems and pleasures.
- Anne Frank
Are most people so stingy and selfish? I've gained some insight into human nature since I came here, which is good, but I've had enough for the present.
- Anne Frank
The idea that 'the public interest' supersedes private interests and rights can have but one meaning that the interests and rights of some individuals take precedence over the interests and rights of others.
- Ayn Rand
The existence of insignificant people has very important consequences in the world. It can be shown to affect the price of bread and the rate of wages, to call forth many evil tempers from the selfish and many heroisms from the sympathetic, and, in other ways, to play no small part in the tragedy of life.
- George Eliot
But birth control can also be compelled by sinful motivations. These can include putting lesser priorities like career above higher priorities like family or greedily wanting to make as much income as possible to the exclusion of everything else, and not incur the costs of child raising; being selfish and not wanting to have to care for a child; or immaturely not wanting to take on the responsibility that good parenting requires.
- Mark Driscoll
The sad truth is that we live in a world that encourages selfishness, independence, convenience, isolation, and using people rather than loving them.
- Mark Driscoll
The avarice of mankind is insatiable.
- Aristotle
Was it hardness, was it selfishness, that she should ask me to risk my life for her own glorification? Such thoughts may come to middle age; but never to ardent three-and-twenty in the fever of his first love.
- Arthur Conan Doyle
What masters us has become our god; and Paul warns us about those whose "god is their belly" (Philippi- ans 3:19).
- John Piper
We humans have never had the resources in ourselves to love each other well across ethnic lines. There is too much selfishness in all of us.
- John Piper
The reason I use the word reflex to describe these traits of selfishness is that there is zero premeditation before they happen. When these responses happen, they are coming from my fallen nature, not from reflection and resolution. I don't sin out of duty. I sin spontaneously. They are the reflexes of my original, unmortified sinfulness.
- John Piper