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Quotes about Selfishness

I will take what is mine and keep it for as long as i want
- Jeff Hardy
Selfishness is like a disease that suffocates our capacity to love. While love asks us to deny ourselves for the sake of another, selfishness demands we put ourselves first at their expense. When we choose to be self-centered, we become less kind and content—more needy, sensitive, and demanding. More unsatisfiable. Moodiness and impatience, laziness and irresponsibility, are only selfishness in disguise.
- Stephen Kendrick
Occasionally he took us on a picnic or a camping trip and taught us many valuable lessons. The chief one was to remember that camping was a good way to find out people's characters. Those who were selfish showed it very soon, in that they wanted the best bed or the best food and did not want to do their share of the work.
- Eleanor Roosevelt
How can one love self without being selfish? How can one love others without losing self? The answer is: By loving both self and neighbor in God. It is His Love that makes us love both self and neighbor rightly.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
Love of self without love of God is selfishness; love of neighbor without love of God embraces only those who are pleasing to us, not those who are hateful.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
They excuse themselves, saying they are bored because they are not loved: No! They are bored because they do not love; because they have denied love.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
In divorce cases, this is called "mental torture" or "domination." Really, it is egocentricity, in which one ego loves itself in the other ego. The I is projected into the Thou and is loved in the Thou. The Thou is not really loved as a person; it is only used as a means to the pleasure of the I. As soon as the other ceases to exhilarate, the so-called love ceases.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
Here is the answer to the riddle of love. Love implies relation. If lived in isolation, it becomes selfishness; if absorbed in collectivity, it loses its personality and, therefore, the right to love.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
A friendship founded on usefulness or pleasure. In this kind of love, the lover loves himself more than his friend. That is why, if the friend ever prevents him from realizing what he wants, his love turns to hate.
- Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
Pride is an independent, me-oriented spirit. It makes people arrogant, rude and hard to get along with. When our heart is prideful, we don't give God the credit and we mistreat people, looking down on them and thinking we deserve what we have.
- Joyce Meyer
A proud man is seldom a grateful man, for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves.
- Henry Ward Beecher
Nothing helps gluttony along so well as eating food you don't have to pay for yourself
- Margaret Atwood