Quotes about Spirituality
The dearest friend on earth is a mere shadow compared with Jesus Christ.
- Oswald Chambers
He is your friend who pushes you nearer to God.
- Abraham Kuyper
The unfolding of our friendship with the Father will be a never-ending revelation strretching on into eternity
- Catherine Marshall
Whoever drinks beer, he is quick to sleep; whoever sleeps long, does not sin; whoever does not sin, enters Heaven! Thus, let us drink beer!
- Martin Luther
The first step toward finding God, Who is Truth, is to discover the truth about myself: and if I have been in error, this first step to truth is the discovery of my error.
- Thomas Merton
If physical death is the price that I must pay to free my white brothers and sisters from a permanent death of the spirit, then nothing can be more redemptive.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Forgive, O Lord, my little jokes on thee and I'll forgive thy great big one on me.
- Robert Frost
Forgive, O Lord, my little jokes on Thee, and I'll forgive Thy great big joke on me.
- Robert Frost
Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality.
- Carl Sagan
Wounded healers are GOD's Greatest weapons.
- Mario Murillo
Prayers are prophecies. They are the best predictors of your spiritual future. Who you become is determined by how you pray. Ultimately, the transcript of your prayers becomes the script of your life.
- Mark Batterson
Those who dance are thought mad by those who hear not the music. That old adage is certainly true of those who walk to the beat of God's drum. When you take your cues from the Holy Spirit, you'll do some things that will make people think you're crazy. So be it. Obey the whisper and see what God does.
- Mark Batterson