Quotes about Spirituality
The soul can do without everything except the word of God, without which none at all of its wants are provided for.
- Martin Luther
By faith we began, by hope we continue, and by revelation we shall obtain the whole.
- Martin Luther
I am of a different mind ten times in the course of a day. But I resist the devil, and often it is with a fart that I chase him away. When he tempts me with silly sins I say, 'Devil, yesterday I broke wind too. Have you written it down on your list?
- Martin Luther
We are nothing with all our gifts be they ever so great, except God assist us.
- Martin Luther
Strange, though I am saved from sin, I am not saved from sinning.
- Martin Luther
Be careful not to measure your holiness by other people's sins.
- Martin Luther
If we do not love God and His Word what difference does it make if we love anything at all?
- Martin Luther
Where God builds a church, the devil builds a chapel.
- Martin Luther
Whoever wants to be a Christian should tear the eyes out of his reason.
- Martin Luther
to call a man without the Holy Spirit "upright and God-fearing" is the same as calling Belial "Christ".
- Martin Luther
Grant that I may not pray alone with the mouth; help me that I may pray from the depths of my heart.
- Martin Luther
I felt that I had been born anew and that the gates of heaven had been opened. The whole of Scripture gained a new meaning. And from that point on the phrase, 'the justice of God' no longer filled me with hatred, but rather became unspeakable sweet by virtue of a great love.
- Martin Luther