Quotes about Spirituality
The shortest pencil is longer than the longest memory. That's why I keep a prayer journal. Next to my Bible, nothing is more sacred to me than my journal.
- Mark Batterson
Prayer is the difference between seeing with our physical eyes and seeing with our spiritual eyes. Prayer gives us a God's-eye view. It heightens our awareness and gives us a sixth sense that enables us to perceive spiritual realities that are beyond our five senses.
- Mark Batterson
The Bible comes alive only when we actively obey it.
- Mark Batterson
The size of prayers depends on the size of our God. And if God knows no limits, then neither should our prayers.
- Mark Batterson
Here's the bottom line: where you are geographically affects where you are spiritually. A few years ago I came up with a simple formula: change of place + change of pace = change of perspective.
- Mark Batterson
Spontaneity is an underappreciated dimension of spirituality. In fact, spiritual maturity has less to do with long-range visions than it does with moment-by-moment sensitivity to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. And it is our moment-by-moment sensitivity to the Holy Spirit that turns life into an everyday adventure.
- Mark Batterson
Miracles are the by-product of prayers that were prayed by you or for you. And that should be all the motivation you need to pray.
- Mark Batterson
without rest, we miss the rest of God: the rest he invites us to enter more fully so that we might know him more deeply. "Be still, and know that I am God." Some knowing is never pursued, only received. And for that, you need to be still.
- Mark Buchanan
The opposite of a slave is not a free man. It's a worshiper. The one who is most free is the one who turns the work of his hands into sacrament, into offering. All he makes and all he does are gifts from God, through God, and to God.
- Mark Buchanan
I discovered that being thankful and experiencing the power and presence of Jesus Christ are tightly entwined. As we practice thankfulness, we experience more of God's transforming grace, God's thereness.
- Mark Buchanan
In some ways, the whole point of the Exodus was Sabbath. Let my people go, became God's rallying cry, that they might worship me. At the heart of liberty—of being let go—is worship. But at the heart of worship is rest—a stopping from all work, all worry, all scheming, all fleeing—to stand amazed and thankful before God and his work. There can be no real worship without true rest.
- Mark Buchanan
Most of us spend more time with advertisements than with Scripture.
- Mark Buchanan