Quotes about Spirituality
A relationship begins when we open the front door, but it doesn't end there. He knocks on the closet doors too! Jesus doesn't just want in. He wants all in.
- Mark Batterson
Imagination is the road less taken, but it is the pathway of prayer.
- Mark Batterson
The more faith you have, the more specific your prayers will be. And the more specific your prayers are, the more glory God receives.
- Mark Batterson
We're too Christian to enjoy sin and too sinful to enjoy Christ. We've got just enough Jesus to be informed, but not enough to be transformed.
- Mark Batterson
God can deliver you in one day, but it may take years to break old habits or build new habits.
- Mark Batterson
If you want to break the sin habit, you'd better establish a prayer habit.
- Mark Batterson
Prayer and imagination are directly proportional: the more you pray the bigger your imagination becomes because the Holy Spirit supersizes it with God-sized dreams.
- Mark Batterson
Don't seek miracles. Follow Jesus. And if you follow Jesus long enough and far enough, you'll eventually find yourself in the middle of some miracles.
- Mark Batterson
Well-developed faith results in well-defined prayers, and well-defined prayers result in a well-lived life.
- Mark Batterson
if you can truly surrender to Him, you will do more, be more, experience more. Life will just be more.
- Mark Batterson
We often think of prayer as nothing more than words spoken to God, but maybe it's more than that. Prayer is not a monologue; it's a dialogue. We speak to God with everything from words to groans to thoughts. And God speaks to us through dreams, desires, promptings, impressions, and ideas.
- Mark Batterson
Have you ever noticed that when you pray, coincidences happen? And when you don't, they don't.
- Mark Batterson